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Region’s Hospital in partnership with Gillette Children’s has been reaccredited by the American College of Surgeons (ACS) as a Level I Pediatric Trauma Center. Level I Pediatric Trauma Centers are certified by the ACS, and recertified every three years, to designate the highest level of care possible for injured children and teens.

Since 2009, Regions Hospital in partnership with Gillette has provided highly specialized care for critically injured children 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. Trauma injuries are more severe and complex and may require pediatric trauma patients to receive care from a range of pediatric emergency and trauma specialists.

The designation means Gillette and Regions have the staffing, resources and specialty expertise to take on the most critical and complex child injuries. Pediatric trauma surgeons, adult trauma surgeons and specialists in critical care medicine, neurosurgery, and other specialties are available 24/7.

“This reaccreditation is a result of the work of trauma specialists at both Regions and Gillette to be trained and ready,” said Thomas Harris, Jr., Gillette executive vice president of operations. “We are proud of our collaboration to be here for patients and families.”

Trauma care begins in the emergency room, where children can get care from both Regions Hospital and Gillette Children’s trauma specialists as soon as they arrive. Children may later receive ongoing care and rehabilitation at Gillette.

The partnership allows an entire family who may be involved in a car crash, for example, to be cared for on the same campus.

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