We welcome calls from those who wish to learn more about our services or connect with our mission. Below you’ll find contact information for patients, referring physicians, news media and the public.
For job inquiries, visit our Careers section for more information and to view open positions. To make a donation to Gillette, visit Ways to Give to learn how you can help. For specific locations, visit our Locations page.
For all appointments, visit Request an Appointment to schedule appointments for existing and new patients as well as Telehealth/Quick Care visits.
Main Gillette Phone Number
Main Gillette Mailing Address
Gillette Children’s
200 University Avenue East
Saint Paul, MN 55101
Please call between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, at least 24 hours in advance or submit your request via MyGillette.
- Health Information Services
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
651-229-3886 - Release of Medical Records
How to Release Medical Records
Our Provider Relations Liaisons help providers and other referral sources connect with Gillette Children’s experts. Contact our Provider Relations Liaisons .
We welcome your comments, compliments and concerns. Call us, email us, or submit your feedback or concerns using the secure form at the bottom of this page.
Quality, Patient Safety and Accreditation Phone
Feedback Form
The following form is monitored Monday through Friday during regular business hours. If you have an immediate medical concern, please call the Gillette Telehealth Nurse line at 651-229-3890 or 800-719-4040 (toll-free).
If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911.