Here you’ll find tools for current Gillette Children's employees. As an employee, you can use this page to quickly access MyPortal.
Vibe online - our intranet
From news to quick links, you'll find all the internal resources you need by logging in to the Vibe. (Requires login credentials and password.)
Recognition Programs
There are several options to give praise to coworkers.
The highest recognition includes the Extraordinary Service Award (ESA) and Daisy Award. This recognition benefits from specific stories shared by patients and/or colleagues.
ESA Form | Daisy Form
The mid-level is our “Act First from Love” recognition. When completed, this form goes to Human Resources. As well, the person being recognized gets a copy of the nomination as does their leader.
Act First Form (requires login to Vibe online)
The quick recognition of the Value-Gram is more of a one-to-one thank you. It is not a formal recognition, but rather a way to give a shoutout to a colleague. The paper copies of the Value-Gram, along with fun values-based post-it notes, are available in the Values Toolkit that should be located in departments. We created the online version of the Value-Gram primarily for remote teams.
Value-Gram Form
Leave of Absence Request
Contact Liberty Mutual at 1-888-408-7300 and refer to company code: Gillette.
Gillette supports its employees and complies with national, state, and local leave laws.