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Get Help Paying Your Gillette Bills

If you need Gillette services but can’t afford them, we’ll work with you on payment options. We evaluate each family’s situation based on income, assets and other resources. Our goal is to make each family’s payments manageable.

You might benefit from setting up a payment plan. And you might be eligible for the Gillette Assistance Program (GAP), our financial service for families who can’t afford the costs of care at Gillette. Just call a Gillette financial advocate at 651-325-2235 to learn more.

You might also want to apply for a grant from UnitedHealthcare Children’s Foundation.

What Is the Gillette Assistance Program (GAP)?

GAP is a financial assistance program that provides discounts on eligible costs billed by Gillette. GAP is for families who can’t afford the costs of care at Gillette. The size of a GAP discount is based on a recipient’s household size and annual income.

Although we work with many private and public insurance providers, we know that not all insurers cover all of the services we provide. And we know that some families have high deductibles, high copayments, or no coverage at all. In such cases, you might want to apply for GAP.

If a patient or guarantor appears eligible for the Gillette Assistance Program but there is no GAP Application on file to make a financial assistance determination, Gillette Children’s may make a presumptive eligibility determination.

  1. Gillette may use a third party provided presumptive eligibility determination of the patient/guarantor’s eligibility for GAP and may provide a full or partial GAP discount on their outstanding self-pay balances.
  2. Presumptive eligibility for State of Federal health insurance programs is not considered an application for GAP.

If you have insurance coverage, or if you’re eligible for government programs, you must use up those benefits before you’ll receive help from GAP. You’ll also have to spend any funds in your health savings account before receiving GAP assistance.

Who Is Eligible?

Any Gillette patient can apply for GAP. In fact, we encourage you to do so—whether or not you have health insurance. 

If you apply when you first get a referral to Gillette, we can often tell you before your first appointment if you’re eligible for financial help. You can also apply for GAP at any time while receiving care at Gillette.

We evaluate each situation based on income, assets and other resources. The only thing we consider is financial need. We don’t take age, gender, race, immigration status, sexual orientation or religious affiliation into account.

Gillette provides financial assistance to patients who are uninsured, underinsured, ineligible for any government health care benefit program, or unable to pay for part or all of their care.

We base eligibility on a determination of financial need in accordance with our financial assistance policy.

The list of providers identifies which providers' professional charges are covered by the Gillette financial assistance policy.

Additional Information

Financial Assistance Policy

We base eligibility on a determination of financial need in accordance with our financial assistance policy.

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Provider List

The list of providers identifies which providers' professional charges are covered by the Gillette financial assistance policy.

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How is the GAP Discount Calculated?

The income guidelines we use to qualify applicants for GAP are based on the federal poverty level (FPL), an amount published annually in the Federal Register. Your annual gross income determines the size of the discount you receive through GAP.

GAP Eligibility Income Guidelines

 If your annual gross income (as a percentage of the FPL) is: Your GAP discount is: 
 Up to 250 percent of the FPL 100 percent
 Between 251 and 300 percent of the FPL 50 percent
 Between 301 and 400 percent of the FPL 25 percent

Patients eligible for GAP won’t be charged more than the amounts generally billed for the same services to patients who have health insurance through private companies or Medicare.

How Do I Apply?

If no presumptive eligibility determination is made, you’ll need to follow these steps to apply for GAP. If you have questions, please call a Gillette Financial Advocate at 651-325-2235.

  1. Complete the financial assistance application. You can also ask our front desk or a social worker for a GAP application. The GAP application is also available in Spanish, Hmong and Somali. 
  2. Attach a copy of your most recent federal income tax return.
  3. Mail the completed information and supporting evidence to us at:


Gillette Children’s

Attn: Charge Integrity - GAP
Internal Zip: 010609
200 University Ave. E.
St. Paul, MN 55101

Or fax it to us at 651-325-2174

Assistance Program Application

Financial Assistance Application

Download PDF

What if I’m Not Eligible for GAP?

We’ll send you a letter approving or denying your completed application within 30 working days of the date we receive it. If you aren’t eligible for GAP, we have other options that might help you. For example, you might benefit from setting up a payment plan. Our goal is to help make your Gillette payments manageable.

If you’re paying for all of your Gillette costs yourself (without insurance or government assistance), you’re eligible for a self-pay discount. If you receive medically necessary services at Gillette that are excluded from your insurance plan, you may be eligible for a self-pay discount on that particular service.

Assistance Program Translations

Gillette Assistance Program (HMONG)

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Gillette Assistance Program (Somali)

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Gillette Assistance Program (Somali)

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Application Translations

Application (Spanish)

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Application (HMONG)

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Application (Somali)

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