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Which Areas Does the ImPACT Test For?

In each column of the report, you’ll see scores for six areas. The first five are Composite Scores that measure:

  • Verbal Memory.
  • Visual Memory.
  • Visual Motor Speed.
  • Reaction Time.
  • Impulse Control.

The last score, Total Symptom Score, represents your total out of all 22 symptom descriptors.

What Do the Numbers in the Columns Represent?

In the first four rows under Composite Scores, each column contains two numbers:

  1. Your raw score
  2. A percentage indicating how your score compares to other people who are the same age and gender as you

In the Baseline column:

For most children who:We expect the second number to be:
Get As and Bs in school65 to 75% or higher
Get Bs and Cs in school30 to 40% or higher
Get Ds and Fs in school20% or higher
Have a diagnosed learning disability20% or higher


Detailed Raw Data 

Word Memory
Hits (Immediate)
Correct Distracters (Immediate)
Learning Percent Correct
Hits (Delay)
Correct Distracter (Delay)
Delayed Memory Percent Correct
Total Percent Correct
Design Memory
Hits (Immediate)
Correct Distracters (Immediate)
Learning Percent Correct
Hits (Delay)
Correct Distracter (Delay)
Delayed Memory Percent Correct
Total Percent Correct
X's and O's
Total Correct (Memory)
Total Correct (Interference)
Average Correct RT (Interference)
Total Incorrect RT (Interference)
Average Incorrect RT (Interference)
Symbol Match
Total Correct (Visible)
Average Correct RT (Visible)
Total Correct (Hidden)
Average Correct RT (Hidden)
Color Match
Total Correct
Average Correct RT
Total Commissions
Average Commissions RT
Three Letters Test
Total Sequence Correct
Total Letters Correct
Percent of Total Letters Correct
Average Time to 1st Click
Average Counted
Average Counted Correctly

How Are My Scores Calculated?

The five composite scores are calculated from the raw data from your performance on the various activities of the ImPACT computer test:

  • Word Memory.
  • Design Memory.
  • X’s and O’s.
  • Color Match.
  • Three Letters Test.

Each Composite Score Is Calculated as Follows:

The Verbal Memory Composite score (as percent correct) is comprised of the average of the following scores:

  • Word Memory: Total percent correct.
  • Symbol Match: Total correct (hidden).
  • Three Letters: Percent of total letters correct.

The Visual Memory Composite score (as percent correct) is comprised of the average of the following scores:

  • Design Memory: Total percent correct.
  • X’s and O’s: Total correct (Memory) ÷12, then multiply by 100

The Visual Motor Speed Composite (Processing Speed) score is comprised of the average of the following scores:

  • X’s and O’s: Total correct (Interference) ÷4
  • Three Letters: Average counted correctly x3

The Reaction Time Composite score (in seconds) is comprised of the average of the following scores:

  • X’s and O’s: Average correct RT (interference).
  • Symbol Match: Average correct RT (visible) ÷3
  • Color Match: Average correct RT.

The Impulse Control Composite score is comprised of the total of the following scores:

  • X’s and O’s: Total incorrect (Interference).
  • Color Match: Total commissions.

How Do I Know If My Performance Is Getting Better or Not?

A better performance on each composite test is indicated by:

  • higher score for: 
    • Verbal Memory.
    • Visual Memory.
    • Visual Motor Speed.
  • lower score for: 
    • Reaction Time.
    • Impulse Control.
    • Total Symptom Score (indicates that you endorsed fewer symptoms).

This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice of your health care providers. If you have any questions, talk with your doctor or others on your health care team.

If you are a Gillette patient with urgent questions or concerns, please contact Telehealth Nursing at 651-229-3890.

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