What is transition from pediatric to adult care?
Successful transition from pediatric to adult care is a purposeful and on-going process of helping young adults and their caregivers (parents and guardians) identify and prepare for changes in care that go along with growing into adulthood. Growing older happens to everyone. Infants become children who become adolescents and young adults. This is called transition. The changes involved in this transition include, but are not limited to:
- Finding providers, hospitals and home care services that work with adults
- Working with current health care providers while deciding if new providers, hospitals and home care services are the right fit
- Developing plans of care that help new providers understand your unique health care needs
- Preparing for changes in insurance eligibility and understanding options for managing health care such as guardianship, conservatorship or other supportive decision-making options
- Offering information and/or practicing skills related to finding options for post-secondary education, vocational or rehabilitation services, independent living, community inclusion, social and recreational resources, and post-secondary and community supports
- Providing parents and caregivers with information specific to their role, including community and professional supports, and advocacy groups
Transition is a team effort between young adult/caregiver/pediatric providers (primary care and specialty care) and community services.
Why does this transition feel challenging?
Transitioning from pediatric to adult care systems can be daunting and uncomfortable. For caregivers and young adults, this transition means saying good-bye to trusted pediatric providers and services. This can be hard. Caregivers might worry about important information ‘falling through the cracks’ or it may bring back stressful feelings from when your young adult was first diagnosed. Gillette Children's understands your concerns and works closely to ensure important health care information is transferred to each new provider.

When does this transition begin?
The care Gillette provides is specialized and many patients have multiple providers. The process of discussing transition to adult services ideally begins during adolescence, between the ages of 12 to 14. This allows time for a gradual and planned transition of providers and services.
Gillette providers work with patients and their caregivers to determine the age for transitioning care. This means some providers will discuss transition earlier or later, than others. This allows transition to be gradual and well controlled and gives patients and their caregivers time to find the ‘right fit.’
However, there are some firm age rules for two services provided by Gillette:
- The Operating Room can conduct surgical procedures up to 40 years of age.
- The Inpatient Adult Unit can admit up to certain ages, depending on the reason for admission
- Persons up to 40 years of age are admitted following a surgical procedure
- Persons up to 26 years of age are admitted for some medical conditions, depending on the care required
Who is the transition team?
Transitioning from pediatric to adult care is a team effort, and the transition team begins with you. Young adults and their caregivers bring needed expertise to the process. Gillette providers need your questions, hopes and dreams to guide the transition process and transition team. In addition to current healthcare providers, the transition team at Gillette may include the complex care team, social work, therapeutic recreation, rehabilitation therapies, psychology and care management. Talking to all Gillette providers about these services allows you to build a team that is helpful for you. Keep in mind the transition team also includes non-Gillette persons and services. Examples include but are not limited to primary care provider/pediatrician, county case manager, school, vocational and day programs, home nursing and equipment suppliers.
Sharing all current providers (primary care and specialty care) and community services with your transition team helps build a transition plan. This plan lists who and what needs transitioning and what you can do to begin the transition process. Remember, no one person is responsible for transition. It is a team effort.
Are you ready to begin the transition process?
Gillette Children’s is committed to helping our patients realize their potential and navigate the transition from pediatric to adult health systems and other community resources. We compiled a list of frequently asked transition questions and resources, to help you explore each question. If you have any questions, concerns or want to learn more about transition, Gillette is here to help. Please contact us at 651-229-3855.
Frequently Asked Transition Questions
How will I thrive?
How will I know if I need a guardian when I reach 18? With the help of your parents, you can connect with a Gillette social worker the next time you’re in clinic or your county case manager.
As you are preparing for what independent living may look like for you, you may want to pursue occupational therapy services to increase your independence with self-care and home management tasks. Your occupational therapist can also help make recommendations to increase access to your living space.
You may want to live at home, independently on your own. Or you may want to share an apartment with friends for companionship and socialization. Check with a Gillette social worker or your county case manager for information on living arrangements. Another helpful resource is the Minnesota Association of Centers for Independent Living (MACIL) which is the statewide link to all of the Centers for Independent Living across Minnesota.
The people responding to your emergency call need critical information about you. There are documents you can fill out in advance to be prepared. Ask to talk with a Gillette social worker when you are in clinic, about these forms and developing your plan.
There are many modes of transportation. Maybe you prefer to drive your own vehicle. Or maybe you prefer the convenience of Metro Mobility or public transportation such as the MTC or light rail. Your Gillette Social worker is available to assist you with transportation as well as your county case manager. Depending on your insurance, may also be able to access free non-emergency transportation to medical appointments. Ask to talk with a Gillette social worker when you are in clinic to see if you qualify.
Occasionally, you may need some extra assistance with your personal cares, your chores or might enjoy some companionship. This could include a nurse or personal care assistant coming to your home for a few hours a week. Ask to talk with a Gillette social worker when you are in clinic or connect with your county case manager for assistance.
Where do you go for equipment and supplies? Gillette Rehabilitation Services can suggest vendors and your county case manager can assist with recommendations as well. You can also ask to talk with a Gillette social worker when you are in clinic.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice of your health care providers. If you have any questions, talk with your doctor or others on your health care team.
If you are a Gillette patient with urgent questions or concerns, please contact Telehealth Nursing at 651-229-3890.