Welcome to the aquatic therapy pool at the Maple Grove clinic! Like the therapy pools at other Gillette Children's clinics, this pool is designed with the needs of children with disabilities and complex conditions in mind. The water temperature in the therapy pool is kept at about 93°F, and the room temperature is kept at about 80°F.
If your child's provider has determined that aquatic pool therapy will be helpful, it's important that your child attends their scheduled therapy appointments regularly. If you ever need to cancel a scheduled pool therapy session, please call us at (763) 496-6000.
What Do I Bring to My Pool Therapy Appointment?
Bring the following items with you to every therapy pool appointment:
- A swimsuit.
- A towel for your child to dry off with after their time in the pool.
- Swim diapers or absorbent swim briefs, if your child has difficulty controlling their bladder or bowels.
- Soap—your child will need to take a shower to wash their hands, feet, legs, armpits, and private parts before they get into the pool for therapy.
Please do not bring any toys from home for use in the pool.
How Do I Prepare for My Pool Therapy Appointment?
- Make sure you have all of your supplies with you! Gillette does not provide swimsuits, towels, or swim diapers/absorbent briefs, so please remember to bring them from home. Ask a member of our staff if you need to know where to buy swim briefs/diapers for use in the pool.
- Arrive at the clinic 10-15 minutes early so you can change clothes and be ready when your appointment starts.
- Check in at the front desk. Once you are checked in, staff will let you in to the locker room.
- Make sure that your child showers with soap and water before putting on their swimsuit (and/or swim diaper, if applicable).
- Wait in the locker room until your scheduled appointment time.
Pool Therapy Guidelines
- A parent or caregiver must remain on-site during the entire therapy session.
- Due to limited space, there is only room for two observers during a pool therapy appointment.
- Don’t use cell phones in the pool or gym areas. If you need to make or take a call, please step into the lobby area.
- If you, your child, or anyone coming with you to the therapy pool appointment has or was recently exposed to a contagious illness, please cancel your appointment. Please cancel your appointment if your child has an open wound or skin lesion, is sick, or has had diarrhea in the last two weeks.
Please let your therapist know if your child is experiencing any of the following:
- Communicable diseases (like viral cold sores or genital herpes).
- Bacterial infections (such as MRSA or VRE).
- A fungal infection (like athlete's foot).
- Menstruation.
- Acute joint flare-ups (such as those with hemophilia or arthritis).
- Pinworm, ringworm, or plantar warts.
- A urinary tract infection (UTI).
- A rash or skin condition with open or flaking areas (like impetigo or scabies).
- Uncontrolled seizures.
- Deep-vein thrombosis (DVT).
We want your child's experience with the therapy pool to be as pleasant and useful to their treatment as possible. Please let your therapist know if your child has had any unpleasant past experiences or has a fear of the water that might affect their pool therapy sessions.
Questions, Concerns, and More Information
Share your comments, concerns, questions, and compliments with your therapist(s). Comment cards are available if you’re more comfortable sharing feedback that way. You may also call Gillette’s Maple Grove Clinic at (763) 496-6000. The operator can direct you to our therapists.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice of your health care providers. If you have any questions, talk with your doctor or others on your health care team.
If you are a Gillette patient with urgent questions or concerns, please contact Telehealth Nursing at 651-229-3890.