353 items found Clear All 5 of 45 pages Previous Page Next Page Bladder Irrigation - Adult Patient Education Articles Bladder irrigation is a procedure used to clear the bladder of mucus and debris. Caring for Your Indwelling Suprapubic Catheter at Home Patient Education Articles When you have an indwelling suprapubic catheter placed via stoma, you should perform a few aspects of at-home catheter care to ensure that your catheter and urinary tract remain clean and in good working order. Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) Tube Post Placement Care Patient Education Articles Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) is a procedure where a flexible feeding tube (commonly known as a PEG tube) is inserted through the abdominal wall and into the stomach. Adult Bowel Program: Clean Out With Fleet Enema Patient Education Articles Your goal is to use a Fleet enema to produce bowel movements and clear constipation from your colon before starting your daily maintenance bowel program. Adult Bowel Program: Clean Out With Magnesium Citrate Patient Education Articles Your goal is to use magnesium citrate to produce bowel movements and clear constipation from the colon before starting your daily maintenance bowel program. Bladder Injections with Botulinum Toxin Type A (Botox) in the Adult Outpatient Clinic Patient Education Articles Botulinum Toxin Type A (also known as Botox) is a medicine that can be used to help muscles relax. Gene Therapy Patient Education Articles Gene therapy is a technique used to target a person’s genetic code or DNA to treat or cure certain genetic diseases. Halo Traction FAQs Patient Education Articles Halo traction helps slowly stretch the spine into a straighter position before spine surgery, such as a spinal fusion.