What are Restraints?
Restraints are protective devices we use to limit movement of certain parts of a patient’s body. The restraints we use at Gillette include:
- Elbow splints
- Soft limb restraints
- Enclosure beds
Why Do We Use Restraints?
We use restraints for safety, protection, or maintenance of medical interventions. Restraints help prevent patients from removing medical tubes, such as intravenous tubes, feeding tubes or urinary catheters. We also might use restraints to prevent patients from removing essential monitoring equipment, falling out of bed, or irritating stitches or incisions.
When Will We Use Restraints?
We decide to use a restraint after we’ve tried all less-invasive alternatives. A doctor or nurse practitioner must order the restraint. When we use restraints, we keep in mind our patients’ dignity and safety.
When Do We Remove Restraints?
Gillette patient-care staff remove restraints regularly to check the condition of a patient’s skin or to provide treatment. Please talk with hospital staff before you remove or loosen a restraint. We remove restraints as soon as they are no longer needed.
What Can Family Do?
- Reassure patients that the restraint is temporary and that it’s there to keep them safe.
- Let nurses know before you leave the patient’s room.
- Share any questions or concerns about the restraints with Gillette staff.
Have Questions or Concerns?
Please talk to your Gillette nurse.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice of your health care providers. If you have any questions, talk with your doctor or others on your health care team. If you are a Gillette patient with urgent questions or concerns, please contact Telehealth Nursing at 651-229-3890.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice of your health care providers. If you have any questions, talk with your doctor or others on your health care team.
If you are a Gillette patient with urgent questions or concerns, please contact Telehealth Nursing at 651-229-3890.