Activities for Children on Bed Rest by Age
When children need bed rest after illness, surgery, or injury, it's important to stay busy with activities that follow your provider's recommendations.
Ages 0 to 3
- Mobiles
- Hand-held infant toys
- Cloth balls to throw and catch
- Bubbles
- Puppets
- Listen to music and dance with arms
- Books and videos
- Mirrors
- Play gyms
- Ride in a wagon with sides
Ages 4 to 6
- Face painting
- Cars, trucks, and action figures
- Felt board
- Flashlights
- Casio piano
- Baggie painting (squish finger paints in Ziplock bags)
- Silly string
- Decorate casts with markers or stickers
- Magnetic boards, Magnadoodle
Ages 7 to 13
- Beanbag toss
- Remote control cars
- Hand-held electronic games
- Make mobiles to decorate ceiling
- Use easels for art and school projects
- Draw with chalk, Colorforms, Etch-a-Sketch
- Let child help schedule daily activities
- Plan an imaginary trip (include props and costumes)
- Create a scrapbook
- Nerf basketball and darts with strings attached for retrieving
- Make birdseed “ornaments” (peanut butter & birdseed on pinecones) to hang outside child’s window
- Get a pet fish to observe
Age 13 and Older
- Easel for school or art projects
- Access to telephone to call friends
- Letter writing
- Make friendship bracelets
- Crossword and word puzzles
- Fabric paint large T-shirt to wear over cast
- Diary, journal, or scrapbook
- Videos, books, electronic games
- Laptop computer
- Decorate cast
- Dry-erase boards and markers
- Audio record stories/singing (own voice)
- Walkie Talkie
- Invite friends to visit
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice of your health care providers. If you have any questions, talk with your doctor or others on your health care team.
If you are a Gillette patient with urgent questions or concerns, please contact Telehealth Nursing at 651-229-3890.