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Your child’s endocrinologist has asked that your child have a Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone (LHRH) stimulation test.

The LHRH test is being done because there is concern about either early puberty or delayed puberty. It will help your doctor find out the cause of the early onset or delay. The medicine we give your child during the test stimulates the pituitary gland so it will make the hormones found in puberty. 

Preparation for Testing

Before the test, it’s important to talk to your child about what will happen the day of testing. Let your child know that the doctor will be looking to see if his/her body is making puberty hormones. 

Morning of the Test

  • It’s OK to eat breakfast and drink liquids. Liquids are fine throughout the test. 
  • Plan to set aside 4 to 5 hours for the testing. 
  • Wear comfortable clothing, preferably something with short sleeves or with sleeves that are easy to pull up. 
  • Don’t forget to bring something for fun, such as books, quiet games, coloring books, stuffed animals, headphones or game boys. VCR and DVD players are available if your child would like to bring a favorite movie. 
  • After the IV catheter is in place, we will give your child an injection of medicine. This medicine will cause the pituitary to release hormones into your child’s blood.

During the Test

  • When your child arrives for the test, your child’s skin will be numbed near a good vein in the hand or arm. The  medicine will numb the area where the IV (intravenous) catheter will be placed. 
  • A very small needle or IV catheter will be placed into a vein in the hand or arm. This catheter will stay in place throughout the testing and will be used to take blood samples. 
  • We ask that a parent be with children during testing. 
  • Nurses will frequently check your child’s blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate during the testing. 
  • After the IV catheter is in place, we will give your child an injection of medicine. This medicine will cause the pituitary to release hormones into your child’s blood. 
  • Blood samples will be taken at several one-hour intervals. We’ll measure the amount of hormones in each sample. This will help the doctor know if your child’s pituitary is making too much or not enough hormones related to puberty. 
  • Your child should not have any side effects or reactions to the medicine. 
  • Please be sure to ask if you have any questions during the test. 

After the Test

  • 24 hours after the test, blood will need to be drawn. You may return to the test location or go to your primary health care provider to have these labs drawn. 
  • It takes 3 or 4 weeks for test results to come back from the lab. Your doctor will review the tests and let you know if anything needs to be done. 
  • Please call your doctor if you have any questions before or after the testing. 

This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice of your health care providers. If you have any questions, talk with your doctor or others on your health care team.

If you are a Gillette patient with urgent questions or concerns, please contact Telehealth Nursing at 651-229-3890.

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