Gillette schedules professional medical interpreters for spoken or sign language to help patients and families and Gillette staff communicate clearly and accurately.
Interpretation services should be used when you are addressing medical or professional matters. For example:
- Discussing medical information
- Filling out informed consent forms
- Learning about the hospital
- Being given instructions
- Setting up appointments
The patient, family and Gillette staff will determine the need for interpretation services. Only Gillette staff can arrange these services. Gillette provides interpretation services at NO cost to patients and families.
Interpreters at Gillette are trained professionals who provide services that are accurate, complete and impartial. These interpreters are also bound by rules of confidentiality. Using family or friends as interpreters is strongly discouraged. When a family insists on having a family member or friend interpret, Gillette reserves the right to still have a professional interpreter (contracted by Gillette) present to ensure accuracy.
Gillette will schedule interpretation services when it is requested by the patient, the patient’s family, or a Gillette staff member involved in a patient’s care. If you need interpretation services, Gillette will always have an interpreter available to you, but we can’t guarantee you’ll have the same interpreter every time you have an appointment.
If you have any questions about Gillette’s Interpretation Services, call Child and Family Services at 651-229-3855.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice of your health care providers. If you have any questions, talk with your doctor or others on your health care team. If you are a Gillette patient with urgent questions or concerns, please contact Telehealth Nursing at 651-229-3890.