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What should I expect during a spine brace fitting appointment?

Wearing your spine brace is an important step in treating scoliosis and we take great care in designing and making it for you. Once your spine brace is made, you will return to Assistive Technology to have it fit. 

During the fitting appointment, we work with you to make sure the brace feels comfortable to wear and we also make sure it’s applying the proper pressure and support that was prescribed by your doctor. 

You’ll try on the brace many times throughout the day to test it. Then your orthotist will make changes, or adjustments, to improve the fit. These changes might include trimming plastic and adding padding. While your orthotist is working on your brace, you can relax in our waiting area or move around the hospital. 

It can take a long time to make sure your brace fits well and feels comfortable. Fitting your custom brace can take up to six hours, depending on the complexity of your brace. 

If your brace is not for scoliosis or kyphosis, the fitting will take less time. Your orthotist can give you a better idea about how long your fitting might take. 

How should I prepare for a spine brace fitting?

  1. Wear clothing and underclothes that you feel comfortable in. Clothing should be loose enough to fit over the brace and be easy to take off. Pants or shorts with an elastic waistband are best. 
  2. Bring something to do while you wait between adjustments (such as homework, books and games). 
  3. Fittings usually continue through the lunch hour. You’re welcome to bring a lunch or go to the Regions Hospital cafeteria on the second floor.

What is body image acceptance?

At first, wearing a spinal brace can be difficult to accept and can affect your body image. (Body image is the mental and physical picture you have of yourself.) If you have a good body image, your brace treatment will go much more smoothly. The goal is for you to feel good about yourself and, at the same time, accept wearing the orthosis. Acceptance is a critical factor in your treatment. 

Your spinal brace must be worn according to your doctor’s instructions to achieve the best results. If a spine brace isn’t worn, it will not help your scoliosis. 

Here are some suggestions to help you: 

  • Talk about your brace with your friends and family. Friends can be a really great source of support, so include them early on in your treatment. Feel free to bring a friend along to your fitting appointment. 
  • Remember that you won’t have to wear your spine brace forever. Braces only work on patients who are still growing. 
  • Find types of clothing to wear over your brace that will make you feel good about your body. 
  • Focus on your positive qualities and talents, not the spine brace. 
  • Tell your school nurse that you wear a brace. If you ever need assistance with your brace at school, the nurse will be there to help you. 
  • Be informed and involved in your health care.



Wearing your spine brace is an important step in treating scoliosis and we take great care in designing and making it for you.

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This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice of your health care providers. If you have any questions, talk with your doctor or others on your health care team.

If you are a Gillette patient with urgent questions or concerns, please contact Telehealth Nursing at 651-229-3890.

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