The transition from pediatric to adult care is not just a change of providers but a shift in how your healthcare is managed. This process happens over time and with the support of your Gillette care team. As you work toward a successful transition, Gillette will help you find an adult provider.
Your Adult Care Team
Your adult care team will be unique to your specific needs, but will likely include a Primary Care Provider (PCP) and one or more Specialists.
Primary Care Provider
All adults need a primary care provider, or PCP. PCPs do regular checkups, cancer screenings, office visits when you are sick, and help coordinate your care with specialists as needed.
The types of specialists you need may change as you age into adulthood. Sometimes, your PCP can take the place of a specialist. Other times, specialty adult care is further specialized. You might need two adult specialists to replace one pediatric specialist that met your needs as a child.
Types of PCPs or Specialists
There are several types of PCPs and specialists to choose from, each with different types of training.
How to Find an Adult Provider
Ask your current providers, family, friends, and community members for recommendations.
Ask your insurance company for a list of in-network providers.
Example Questions to Ask the Clinic Before Scheduling
Here are some questions to ask when scheduling with a new provider. If you are a parent, guardian, or caregiver, you can adjust the language to ask for the patient. We know transition is complex, and you are unique. These questions are examples that may or may not apply to your unique situation. If the scheduler is unable to answer these questions, you may request to speak to a clinic manager or nurse.
Do you see adults with disabilities (or with my specific condition)?
Will my wheelchair, equipment, and caregiver fit in your exam rooms? Do you have a lift for exams or weighing?
Are you currently accepting new patients? How soon can I be seen? Can I be seen sooner at another clinic location?
Do you offer virtual care appointments?
Do you have same-day appointments or onsite urgent care? Are there after-hours or nurse triage services available?
What happens if I miss an appointment or arrive late?
Do you have onsite imaging and labs, or will I need to go somewhere else to have labs drawn and imaging done?
Do I need to sign anything to transfer my health records? How do I get my health records to you?
What should I bring to my appointment?
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice of your health care providers. If you have any questions, talk with your doctor or others on your health care team.
If you are a Gillette patient with urgent questions or concerns, please contact Telehealth Nursing at 651-229-3890.