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Why are calcium and vitamin D important?

Calcium and vitamin D are important minerals and vitamins that ensure good bone and teeth health as well as muscle and nerve function. Vitamin D also plays a key role in our immune system, and calcium plays a key role in blood clotting, hormones, heart rate, and blood pressure. The information on this page, from the USDA database and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Nutrition Care Manual, can be used as a guide to help you make sure you are getting enough calcium and vitamin D in your diet.

Milk and Milk Alternatives with Calcium and Vitamin D

Food ItemServing SizeCalcium (in mg)Vitamin D (in IU)
Fortified cow's milk1 cup24676
Almond milk1 cup316127
Cashew milk1 cup2080
Oat milk1 cup296136
Coconut milk1 cup200
Soy milk1 cup20254

Dairy and Dairy-Free Alternatives with Calcium and Vitamin D

Food ItemServing SizeCalcium (in mg)Vitamin D (in IU)
Cottage cheese0.5 cup2277
Yogurt8 ounces275-45031
Greek yogurt0.5 cup120-19060
Almond milk yogurt0.5 cup9996
Coconut milk yogurt0.5 cup166100
Cheddar or mozzarella cheese1 ounce2054
Parmesan cheese2 tablespoons11010

Fruits and Vegetables with Calcium and Vitamin D

Food ItemServing SizeCalcium (in mg)Vitamin D (in IU)
Figs (dried)5 medium-sized68not significant
Kale1 cup53not significant
Orange1 medium-sized60not significant
Spinach0.5 cup139not significant
Sweet potato1 medium-sized55not significant
Broccoli0.5 cup43not significant

Protein Sources with Calcium and Vitamin D

Food ItemServing SizeCalcium (in mg)Vitamin D (in IU)
Salmon3 ounces10440-600
Sardines3 ounces18020
Tofu (fortified)0.25 cup270not significant
Chicken eggs1 medium-sized2450
Rainbow trout3 ounces34640

Grains and Legumes with Calcium and Vitamin D

Food ItemServing SizeCalcium (in mg)Vitamin D (in IU)
Hummus0.5 cup50not significant
Oatmeal0.5 cup90not significant
Almonds1 ounce159not significant
White beans0.5 cup95not significant
Mushrooms1 cup170120

Nutrition Labels

Please refer to the nutrition facts label on your food item's packaging for exact amounts of calcium and vitamin D, as items or brands may differ from what is listed here.

This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice of your health care providers. If you have any questions, talk with your doctor or others on your health care team.

If you are a Gillette patient with urgent questions or concerns, please contact Telehealth Nursing at 651-229-3890.

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