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This is an evaluation of the kidneys, ureters and bladder using sound waves rather than X-rays. A gel will be rubbed on the abdomen for ease in using the ultrasound instrument. No special preparation is necessary. A normal breakfast is permitted. This exam will take approximately 30 minutes.


Voiding Cystourethrogram (VCUG)

This is an X-ray of the bladder to rule out reflux (urine backing up into the kidney). This exam involves the insertion of a catheter followed by the filling of the bladder with a contrast solution. No special preparation is necessary. A normal breakfast is permitted. This exam will take approximately one hour.


Cystometrogram/Electromyogram (CMG/EMG)

This test is used to determine bladder pressures. It involves the insertion of a catheter followed by filling the bladder with normal saline and then monitoring on a machine. No special preparation is necessary. A normal breakfast is permitted. The EMG monitors muscle activity of the rectal muscle. This exam will take approximately 120 minutes.



This is an evaluation done to observe the function of the kidneys and to look for an obstruction. It involves the insertion of a catheter and injection of a radioisotope. Lasix, a diuretic, may need to be given if the kidneys are not draining properly. No special preparation is necessary. A normal breakfast is permitted. This exam will take approximately one hour.



This test is done to determine if reflux (urine backing up to the kidney) or obstruction is present. A catheter is inserted into the bladder/Mitrofanoff, followed by filling of the bladder with a contrast solution. No preparation is necessary and a normal breakfast is permitted. This exam will take approximately one hour.



This study measures the amount of urine in the bladder, the time it takes to urinate, and the force of the urine stream. You will be asked to urinate on a commode connected to a computer. A normal breakfast is permitted. You should arrive with a full bladder. The exam will take approximately 30 minutes.

This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice of your health care providers. If you have any questions, talk with your doctor or others on your health care team. If you are a Gillette patient with urgent questions or concerns, please contact Telehealth Nursing at 651-229-3890.