Gillette is Here for You
At Gillette, we understand our patients grow from childhood into adulthood. As patients develop into adults, they may encounter new physical, emotional, social or psychological challenges and needs. We are advocates for our patients, so they can recognize these development changes and be prepared for them.
An Important Part in Rehabilitation
Our purpose is to provide factual information and services to our patients and their families. During rehabilitation after an injury, patients may show impaired judgment and reasoning skills. A teenager may have many questions about their future; including the ability to one day have a family.
Gillette will never force any ideas about sexuality or sexual behavior on your child or family. We will listen and work with you to provide age-appropriate and meaningful information. We may share information based on defined stages of development and the physical changes that occur. There is an appropriate way to communicate choices and ideas about sexual topics. We respect your family’s values and will be a trusted resource for guidance on this subject.
Support for the Future
We understand sexual development is a life-long process and we want to be there for you and your family. All the members of the team, including the psychologist, physician, nurses and recreation specialist will be available now and in the future to provide information and consultation. At Gillette, we want to ensure patients have the best life possible, so please communicate any questions or concerns to your care team.
Online Resources for Patients and Families
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice of your health care providers. If you have any questions, talk with your doctor or others on your health care team. If you are a Gillette patient with urgent questions or concerns, please contact Telehealth Nursing at 651-229-3890.