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Visiting Hours and Access

Upon arrival at Gillette Children’s, visitors must check in at the fourth-floor Guest Services desk before entering a hospital unit. At the desk, staff print a visitor pass, which includes a photo of the visitor. The visitor must wear the pass while at Gillette.

Outside each hospital unit’s main doors is a phone, which visitors use to request entrance. Staff in the unit answer the phone and use a video camera to view the visitor pass before electronically unlocking the door, “buzzing” the visitors in.

  • Parents, spouses or caregivers aren't considered visitors may visit 24 hours a day.
  • Keep in mind that sometimes a patient’s medical status or schedule will affect when a patient can have visitors.
  • Visitor Limitations:
    • Outpatient and same-day procedures: Limited to four total visitors at one time.
    • Inpatient and surgical planned admissions: Limited to four total visitors at one time. No children under five years old may visit.
    • Visitors age 13 and younger must be accompanied by an adult at all times.

Patient Directory

When patients are admitted, they have an opportunity to be included in our patient directory. This allows us to tell callers and visitors that the patient is at Gillette, and it enables delivery of mail, flowers, etc. We don’t disclose confidential information about the patient.

If a patient is NOT included in the patient directory, we don’t tell callers that the patient is here, and when people arrive at the Guest Services desk asking to visit the patient, we don’t give them visitor passes right away. Staff must first locate and contact the patient, a legal guardian, and/or nursing staff to obtain authorization before allowing visitors to enter the patient’s hospital unit. That can cause delays for family members or other visitors the patient wants to see. For that reason, we recommend patients be included in the patient directory unless unusual security or privacy concerns exist.

Health and Safety Precautions

To protect the health of those in the hospital, people who have any of the following conditions or symptoms should not visit the hospital:

  • Dermatitis (skin rash, impetigo, scabies, shingles).
  • Fever.
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea).
  • Recent exposure to communicable diseases (flu, chicken pox, tuberculosis).
  • Upper respiratory infection (cold, cough, runny nose, sore throat).

Directions and Parking

Directions to Gillette are available online or from our directions phone line. Call 651-229-3842 to hear recorded directions to the hospital or from the hospital entrance to the Surgery department.

Online Maps/GPS Devices

For directions using an online map or GPS device, enter the address for the Regions Hospital West Ramp, where Gillette patients park: 640 Jackson Street, St. Paul, MN 55101.

Reduced Parking Rates

We offer patients and their guests a parking rate of $3 per visit in the Regions Hospital West Ramp. To receive this discount, ask staff at your hospital unit’s front desk to provide a reduced-rate sticker. If you expect to park several times, you might want to buy a set of five parking vouchers for $10, available at the fourth-floor Guest Services desk.

Free Valet Parking Service

Valet parking is available for no additional fee on weekdays, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., on level D of the Regions Hospital West Ramp.

Entering and Exiting Gillette

Entering Gillette

The Gillette main entrance doors are in the Regions Hospital West Ramp on level D. These entrance doors take you to the fourth floor of the Gillette St. Paul campus.

  • When parking in the West Ramp on levels A through E, take the North Elevators to the fourth floor to enter Gillette.
  • When parking on levels F and above, take the West Ramp Elevators to parking level D. From level D, you can enter through the Gillette main entrance doors.
  • If your instructions indicate that you should check in at the third-floor reception desk, take the North Elevators to the third floor.

5:30 a.m.-9 p.m.: Patients, family members and visitors may enter through the Gillette main doors. (You can also reach Gillette by entering through the Regions Hospital west entrance, open 5 a.m.-9 p.m.)

9 p.m.-5:30 a.m.: The Gillette main entry doors are locked during this time.

  • Patients’ immediate family members who have an electronic access badge can use the main entry doors by passing the badge past an electronic reader.
  • Other visitors must check in with Security at the Regions Hospital main entrance in the south section of Regions Hospital. Security staff will contact the patient’s unit and then issue a visitor pass to the visitor.

Exiting Gillette

You may exit through the Gillette main entrance doors at any time.

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