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Why I’m Here

Her First (and Possibly) Last Job


Jody Buck had just earned her degree in accounting from Anoka Technical College in June of 1984. The original Ghostbusters movie was vying with The Karate Kid for the most popular summer movie. Prince’s song When Doves Cry was blaring from car radios and Dynasty was the top-rated television show in the U.S.

How it began

Jody saw a “Help Wanted” ad in the newspaper for an accounts payable/secretary opening at Gillette Children’s. “I applied and I was lucky enough to get it!” she recalls with a laugh. “Gillette really is my first full-time job!”

Spending your entire career at one company is unusual in American society today, but Jody says there are several reasons why she’s happily stayed so long. “I’ve been fortunate to have good managers, supervisors, and team members. I also enjoy seeing all the kids that come here for care,” she says.

Jody has seen a lot of change during her 40 years at Gillette. “When I first started, I had an office right outside of the main elevators in the hospital. It was actually a converted closet but for me it worked,” Jody recalls. “My office door opened to the main hallway and I liked seeing all the kids traveling back and forth to their appointments. Some kids would stop by and say ‘hi.’ It was a nice environment.”

Throughout the years Jody’s office moved to several Gillette locations and, like many, she began working remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic. “Making the move to work from home was pretty simple for me,” Jody marvels. “The Gillette technical team helped get me set up and that has worked well.”


Gillette senior accountant, Jody Buck, has been at Gillette for 40 years. She enjoys puttering in her garden and spending time with her two Cocker Spaniels.

How it's going

As a senior accountant Jody is responsible for keeping the Gillette foundation financial information in good order. She also helps with payroll.

During her time away from work Jody enjoys quilting, puttering in her garden and spending time with her two Cocker Spaniels, Maggie and Sophie. “I’ve been working with my younger dog, Maggie, and taking her to training to be a therapy dog,” Jody says.

Jody has no immediate plans for her own retirement and has some advice for people just staring their careers at Gillette. “Be open to learning and try to see the whole picture of the organization. I think the teamwork at Gillette makes us a great resource for families and allows us to take care of the whole child.”

As an accountant, Jody also shares some practical advice, “Make sure you start saving for retirement as early as possible! My first manager talked to me about the importance of the retirement plan and now, 40 years later, I’m grateful for that. Your work life really goes by in the blink of an eye!”

  • Consider a career with us. Make a difference in the lives of children with complex medical conditions.