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Agustin Advocates for Inclusive Play

On July 27, 2024, kids of all abilities will gather at their local playground as part of Gillette Children’s Inclusive Day of Play. Inclusive playgrounds open the door to play for every child, and while their presence is increasingly common, increased access will come only through continued advocacy.   

Advocating for causes that build a better world for kids may feel daunting – but it doesn’t have to be. Sometimes you just have to ask for what you need. Take it from Agustin Pedevila. 


Agustin and his brother, Juan Diego

A Letter Advocating for Change

One day, as Agustin sat in his third-grade classroom, he read about children who have found a way to make a difference in the world. He thought of his brother, Juan Diego, who has a rare genetic disease that impacts his mobility. Agustin decided to write a letter to the mayor of the town his family lives in to request seatbelts for swings at the neighborhood park.  

He wanted to play with his brother. 

Agustin jumped on his scooter, letter in hand, and delivered it to the mayor’s house. A few weeks later, the parks and recreation department called the family to respond and offer to provide a seatbelt to allow Juan Diego to use a swing in a nearby park. 

The department also shared they were planning to make larger updates to the neighborhood park to make it more accessible. They worked with the Pedevilas to research and test potential options and used the family's feedback to build a park full of accessible equipment.  


Juan Diego and his mom, Claudia, at their neighborhood playground.

A More Inclusive Place to Play

Now, the Pedevilas walk to a park with accessible swings, a rotating platform that secures Juan Diego’s  wheelchair in place, accessible picnic tables, musical instruments, and more. 

“We were so impressed with the city’s response”, says Agustin and Juan Diego’s mom, Claudia. “Juan Diego was the only one in the neighborhood who needed this equipment, and they were willing to provide it for him. Our advice to other families is to just ask. It doesn’t matter your age or who you are. Just ask.”


Accessible equipment offers multiple opportunities for Juan Diego to play and interact at his neighborhood playground.