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Our Burnsville Clinic offers families in the southern Twin Cities convenient access to Gillette's specialty services. In addition to appointments with providers who specialize in many areas, we provide extensive rehabilitation and orthotics, prosthetics and seating services.

Location Address, Hours & Parking

305 East Nicollet Boulevard
2nd Floor
Burnsville, MN 55337

Hours: Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm

Parking: Free parking is available in the lot next to the building.

Our Specialty Services

Child life specialists at the Burnsville Clinic comfort and distract patients during medical procedures. We use therapeutic play and education to help patients and families feel prepared and at ease.

Child Life at Gillette

Our Burnsville Clinic offers visits with nurse practitioners who manage medical treatments for concussion and related neurotrauma.

Our craniofacial and plastic surgeons at the Burnsville Clinic treat children and teens who have a wide variety of conditions that affect the head, neck and face. When indicated, surgical procedures take place at our St. Paul Campus.

Craniofacial and Plastic Surgery at Gillette 

Our Burnsville Clinic offers evaluations for infants suspected of having deformational plagiocephaly (flat head syndrome) or torticollis (tight muscles on one side of the neck). Treatments might include a Gillette CranioCap® orthosis and/or physical therapy.

Deformational Plagiocephaly (Flat Head Syndrome) at Gillette 

For patients who’ve had seizures for the first time, our Burnsville Clinic offers evaluations by pediatric nurse practitioners. Our neurologists might also take part in the evaluations, which can include neurodiagnostic tests. Recommendations for treatment depend upon the type of seizures a child is having.

First Seizure Evaluations at Gillette

Our Burnsville Clinic offers electroencephalograms (EEGs) for patients who have conditions that affect the neurological system (brain, spinal cord and nerves). Additional tests area available at our St. Paul Campus.

Neurodiagnostics at Gillette

Our Burnsville Clinic team includes neurologists and neurology nurse practitioners who manage medical treatment of disorders of the nervous system (brain, spinal cord and nerves), including epilepsy and seizures.

Neurology at Gillette

Neuropsychologists at the Burnsville Clinic assess how disorders of the nervous system (brain, spinal cord and nerves) affect learning and behavior. We conduct evaluations, help patients improve their skills, and track changes.

Neuropsychology at Gillette

Our Burnsville Clinic offers outpatient (clinic) visits with neurosurgeons and nurse practitioners for patients who have conditions that affect the nervous system (brain, spinal cord and nerves). When indicated, surgical procedures take place at our St. Paul Campus.

Neurosurgery at Gillette

Our Burnsville Clinic team provides evaluations and therapy for patients who experience challenges with nutrition (maintaining adequate nourishment) and feeding (the act of eating and swallowing).

Nutrition and Feeding at Gillette

Our Burnsville Clinic offers outpatient (clinic) visits with orthopedic surgeons who specialize in bone and muscle problems that result from cerebral palsy and other complex conditions and injuries. Our large team includes experts who specialize in hand and upper extremity conditions. When needed, surgical procedures take place at our St. Paul Campus.

Orthopedics at Gillette

Our Burnsville Clinic offers a full range of orthotics, prosthetics and seating services for patients of all ages. In addition to orthotics and prosthetics services, we offer evaluations for augmentative and alternative communication devices, seating and mobility equipment, and other types of orthotics, prosthetics and seating.

Orthotics, Prosthetics and Seating at Gillette

The Pediatric Expert Consult provides direction for parents or caregivers of children who are unsure of how to best medically help their child. Our Pediatric Expert Consult is a virtual appointment with a Gillette pediatric provider who specializes in complex conditions.

Pediatric Expert Consults at Gillette 

Our Burnsville Clinic psychiatrists manage the mental health needs of patients who receive other services at Gillette. Treatment options might include psychiatric counseling or medications.

Our Burnsville Clinic team includes psychologists who provide counseling for children and families affected by problems with learning, mood and other psychological concerns related to their primary conditions.

Our Burnsville Clinic offers X-rays and videofluoroscopy tests (swallowing studies) to help diagnose and plan treatments for a variety of conditions. Results become part of an electronic record that’s accessible at any Gillette location.

Radiology and Imaging at Gillette

Our Burnsville Clinic features a therapy gym, pool, kitchen and playground. We offer appointments with physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech and language pathologists in an environment designed for patients and families.

Rehabilitation Therapies at Gillette

Our Burnsville Clinic offers appointments with pediatric rehabilitation medicine physicians, who manage care for patients with a wide variety of complex conditions and injuries, including cerebral palsy. We conduct on-site spasticity evaluations and offer treatments such as injections of botulinum toxin.

Rehabilitation Medicine at Gillette 

Our Burnsville Clinic offers visits with sleep medicine specialists who understand the unique needs of people who have disabilities and complex conditions. When indicated, overnight sleep studies take place at our St. Paul Campus.

Sleep Medicine at Gillette

Our Burnsville Clinic team includes social workers who can help families coordinate health care and find community resources. We also provide education and emotional support.

Social Work at Gillette

Our Burnsville Clinic offers evaluations for patients who have muscle spasticity resulting from cerebral palsy or other complex conditions. An evaluation involves collaboration among a neurosurgeon, orthopedist, pediatric rehabilitation medicine physician, and physical therapist. When needed, gait and motion analysis testing takes place at our St. Paul Campus.

Spasticity Evaluations at Gillette 

Gillette Children’s offers many of our rehabilitation services in a virtual care format. Appointments are available to new or existing patients. Patients are considered on a case-by-case basis.

Virtual Rehab Therapy at Gillette

Care Team

Gillette attracts the nation’s top surgeons and physicians in numerous specialties. In addition, members of our medical staff collaborate with experts in a wide range of fields, including orthotics, prosthetics and seating and rehabilitation therapies.

Care Team

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Gillette Research aims to improve treatment options for children who have disabilities.

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From innovations to innovators, Gillette Children’s shares our news as leaders in specialty care and research.

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