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What Is Craniofacial and Plastic Surgery?

The term craniofacial refers to the head and face. A craniofacial surgeon is trained in using plastic surgery to reconstruct areas of the skull and face.

At Gillette Children’s, you’ll have access to leading craniofacial surgeons and neurosurgeons who specialize in caring for kids who have complex conditions. Whether treatment begins in infancy or early childhood, our goal is to improve your child’s physical appearance and promote self-confidence.

Which Conditions Does Craniofacial and Plastic Surgery Treat?

A wide variety of conditions affect the face and skull. Craniofacial specialists or neurosurgeons perform surgery for traumatic injuries, hand deformities, complex wounds, and other conditions that affect appearance and abilities.

Craniofacial and plastic surgery can benefit people who have:

What Are The Tests and Treatments Used By Gillette's Craniofacial and Plastic Surgery Team?

You’ll have access to the latest technology and techniques in reconstructive surgery at Gillette Children’s. We’ll work collaboratively to minimize the need for surgery and maximize results.


  • Adoption consultations. We consult with you if you have adopted or are adopting a child who has an existing craniofacial condition that might not have already been successfully treated.
  • Prenatal consultations. Before your baby is born, we consult with you about conditions such as craniosynostosis, craniofacial anomalies and hemangiomas, cleft lip and palate, and VPD. We share information about current treatment options, provide appropriate counseling and if you wish, help plan a course of treatment.

Tests and evaluations

  • Audiology tests, including auditory brainstem response (your child might be sedated for some tests).
  • Team-based feeding and nutrition evaluations for cleft lip and palate and a wide range of conditions.
  • Evaluations for craniofacial anomalies associated with congenital syndromes such as 22q11.2 deletion, Apert, Pfieffer, or Treacher-Collins.
  • Speech-language pathology evaluations and Nasopharyngoscopy to address Velopharyngeal Dysfunction.

Surgeries and therapies

As leaders in craniofacial, plastic surgery, and neurosurgery, your child will benefit from the latest surgical techniques and technology. In many cases, we can strive to make an anomaly unnoticeable at a conversational distance, minimizing the impact on a child's function and social development.

Craniofacial and Plastic Surgery Services at Gillette Children's


"Craniosynostosis" Book

Part of the Gillette Children's Healthcare Series. Each book provides clear, comprehensive information, including the lived experiences of families.

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Craniofacial Resource Group on Facebook

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