About Elizabeth Boyer
Dr. Boyer received her BS, MS, and PhD in kinesiology with an emphasis in biomechanics and motor control from Iowa State University (Ames, Iowa). She then completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Gillette Children's in pathological gait. Dr. Boyer is currently a Clinical Scientist at Gillette Children's and an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Univeristy of Minnesota - Twin Cities in the Orthopedic Surgery Dept. Her research primarily focuses on assessing sensorimotor impairments and gross motor functional outcomes in children and adults with cerebral palsy.
Notable Honors and Awards
Best Adult Paper Award AACPDM, sponsored by The Southern Family Cerebral Palsy Center at Rady Children’s Hospital for our study “Long-term outcomes of femoral derotation osteotomy in ambulatory individuals with cerebral palsy” (2020)